Speed Ticket Beaters Blog

February 22, 2012

Here’s Some Good Radar Detector Links (Courtesy of Speedticketbeaters.com)

You wouldn’t think we at Speedticketbeaters.com would want you to find a good radar detector. After all, if the radar detector warns you of a cop pointing radar or laser/lidar at you, and you manage to avoid the speeding ticket as a result, we lose out on the chance to get paid beating your speeding ticket. BUT, we aren’t too concerned about that..

We make an enormous amount of money with Speedticketbeaters.com as it is, and are by far the most profitable speeding ticket site on the internet. We’d rather lose out on handling your ticket, than see you get another one. So CLICK HERE TO GO TO OUR PAGE OF GOOD RADAR DETECTOR LINKS







February 11, 2012

Speedticketbeaters.com Presents: List Of The Most Ticketed Cars

Here’s another article we at Speedticketbeaters.com found interesting. This time on the most ticket cars:


Speedticketbeaters.com Presents: The Cities With The Most Speed Traps

Here’s an article the gang at Speedticketbeaters.com found interesting, about which cities have the most speed traps:


February 2, 2012

Speedticketbeaters Testimonial Shortened To Readable Length

We got a phone call at Speedticketbeaters.com yesterday from a customer in Pennsylvania who had just beaten his speeding ticket using our stuff. He had a great story, lots of details, and it showed how when you pay attention and read and understand our instructions – you cannot lose.

We suggested he send us a note that we’ll post as a testimonial. We didn’t realize he would take the word “note”  so literally! The guy ended up condensing what was a long, but interesting story of his victory, down to this couple of sentences:

“Finally, a website that delivers on its promise. My speeding ticket was dismissed due to the excellent case law and defense your company provided. It was very easy to follow the script and it worked perfectly. – Rob M. – Pennsylvania”





February 1, 2012

A Day In The Life Of Speedticketbeaters.com – Part 2

It’s been a pretty uneventful day here a Speedticketbeaters. We should have picked a different day, to do our “Day in the Life” series, or you’re going to think our days are very boring!

This afternoon mainly involved us responding to  more speeding ticket consultation requests. There was another guy that wanted to send us a testimonial, and instead of just emailing us one, he filled out the new speed ticket inquiry form for no reason.

We just spoke to a guy who has a couple of very high speed tickets pending in the same U.S state. He’s probably looking at as driver license suspension if he doesn’t beat his tickets. Hopefully (for his sake) he’ll make the right choice, and Paypal us back payment, so we can get him the speeding defenses he’ll need.

It’s very annoying when someone answers their phone, agrees that they emailed us an inquiry about their speeding ticket, which then causes us to go into the whole explanation of how we’ll get it beaten… Only to have them admit AFTER WE WENT THROUGH THE WHOLE THING that we really need to speak to someone else (their husband, brother, father, or whomever), because that’s who actually go the speeding ticket. CAN THEY MAKE THAT CLEAR BEFORE WE START TALKING AND WASTING OUR WORDS/TIME!




A Day In The Life Of Speedticketbeaters.com – Part 1

This is the first in a series of posts we expect to do today tracking our activities at Speedticketbeaters.com

1 – We started reading today’s inbound speeding ticket inquiries at around 10am. Of course many more will flow in throughout the day, but we always check early and see if any of the speeding ticket inquiries are really time sensitive. None of this AM’s emails were particularly urgent, but we still replied to them quickly.

Here’s a sample of some of the questions we had or handle to handle regarding peoples speeding tickets:

a) We needed to ask a guy to clarify what he believes the cops used to determine his speed, since when answering  that question in our email, he should have written “radar”,  “laser”,  “pacing”, or something like that, instead he wrote “police car”. Which is obviously and idiotic answer.

b) An existing customer filled out our speeding ticket evaluation form, when he had a question (as if he’s a new inbound ticket), instead of just emailing us directly (since he already knows the Speedticketbeaters.com email address). We always find this annoying.

c) Some guy who apparently has trouble with his eyesight, emailed us insisting that the free speeding ticket evaluation we sent him yesterday, didn’t tell him what we would provide him if he signed up for our services. Here’s an exact quote from the evaluation emailed we had sent yesterday:

– EMAIL/S, WITH A SHORT, SIMPLE DEFENSE CUSTOMIZED TO YOUR PARTICULAR TICKET. (You simply take the defense materials to court, and read right from the pages to the Judge)
– A MONEY BACK GUARANTEE IF YOU LOSE! (P.S – We almost never lose!)

We think the stuff written above pretty clearly spells out for him what we will be doing and providing after he signs up to get a speeding ticket defense. How he failed to come to the same conclusion, we have no idea.

d) A guy in PA. emailed us saying “I want to tell you how I won my case, because of your information”, but he sent the email through the new ticket inquiry form (like the guy we talked about in “b” above). So he’d gotten somewhat lost in the shuffle. We called him back, and he had a good detailed story of how he beat his speeding ticket today using our defense plan. It was an 81 mph highway ticket too. We’ll probably post his testimonial within a day or 2.

e) A woman sent a comment in her speeding ticket inquiry stating that the flow of traffic where she was ticketed is usually doing 70-75, and the limit was 55 mph. This is common, and is all part of their speed trap. They know full well that the traffic at the location flows much faster than the limit they’ve set. That’s why they’ve set the limit so low! They want to write tons of tickets!

That’s the most interesting of the group of inbound emails so far today at speedticketbeaters.com

2) We also made a few dozen phone calls – explaining our services to other people who inquired wanting a free speeding ticket consultation.

3) Next up, is lunch. And then we’ll continue with this “day in the life of Speedticketbeaters” a little later.