Speed Ticket Beaters Blog

July 20, 2009

No, Speedticketbeaters.com is Not a Scam!


We hear the questions every single day. How can this be real? Why can you guys beat a speeding ticket? Is Speedticketbeaters.com legitimate? Answers: It is. We’re experts in speed ticket law. And Yes.

And if Speedticketbeaters is not for real, how would you explain the answers to these relavent points?:

A) Why have we remained in business since 2003? (Businesses that are scamming people cannot stay in business that long)

B) Why does PayPal (the worlds largest merchant verifier) allow us to process our charges through them?

C) How do we have a clean record with PayPal? (Feel free to call PayPal and ask them if we are legitimate)

D) How did we get credit card bank merchant accounts?

E) How do have a clean record with Visa and Mastercard? (Feel free to call your credit card and ask them if they have a history of complaints, and customer cancellations. Card issuers do not allow companies that have such reputations to continue to put charges through. Nor do the banks that provide our merchant accounts allow the accounts to remain opened if there are complaints)

F) How did we get all the real and verifiable testimonials on our website, and throughout this blog? (Read the whole blog to see some long ones!)

G) Why hasn’t the FTC, the Attorney General, or any agency, investigated and shut this company down if they are getting reports that it is a scam?
H) Why is Godaddy, the worlds largest internet hosting provider allowing us to do business on their servers? (They have a clear policy that they will remove any website on their servers that is found to be conducting criminal business)     

I) Why do Google and Yahoo allow us to appear all over their search results? (Both companies have policies allowing them to remove any website from their search results if it is found to be criminal or fraudulent) 

J) Why is Speedticketbeaters.com regularly mentioned on TV and radio shows, when we do not pay anyone to mention the website?

K) Why are lawyers, judges, ex-police officers, and U.S soldiers buying defense materials from us, for THEIR tickets?

L) Why are the webmasters of sites that post false and inaccurate criticisms of services like ours ending up under criminal investigation for writing thousands of FAKE complaints? (For more specific info about the fake complaints/extortion website RipoffReport.com and all the legal trouble they are in,  see EZRipOffLawsuit.com)

M) Why do we get hundreds of repeat customers? (Some of whom document their cases on this blog)

N) Speedticketbeaters.com is owned by a parent company that owns and operates numerous successful websites.

Let’s face facts…We’ve been in business since 2003…Something must be going right!

Read this entire blog, to learn much more about Speedticketbeaters.com, and the work we have been doing since 2003!