Speed Ticket Beaters Blog

May 22, 2009

This Guy’s Beaten 3 or 4 Speed Tickets Using Our Stuff!



“Good Morning,  A couple of things. Let me tell you what happen in my first case. 

I almost messed up because the officer was talking about me, not realizing that I was right there, so I was a little pissed off.  However, again I followed your instruction and stood my ground as you know I have been a client with you guys so this was becoming second nature to me.  The Cop was so desperate that his best defense was to request a continuance, and I objected. I stated to the court that the case was continued three times for their own reasons, so they should have come prepared today.  Next, the Judge immediately wanted to reduce the charge and have me pay the fine.  I remained cool and collected because they were trying to beat me with state laws, when you guys provided Federal Laws.  And the officer was pissed off, because now I was embarrassing him,  just like he embarrassed me in front of company when m ticket was issued.
During the process,  I handed the judge a copy of the case law, and it got to the point, where they knew could not win, and I had strong grounds for filing an appeal if they found me guilty.  I told the judge,  it’s not my job to make sure the cop or the court is prepared.
In any case, after 7 minutes, of deliberating, my case was dismissed.  Anyone can succeed as long as they follow your instructions and stand firm on it. 
 Thank you for help.”

May 11, 2009

Lawyers Do NOT Know How to Beat Speeding Tickets!

In spite of the fact that we make this statement on various pages at SpeedTicketBeaters.com, we feel compelled to re-make this point. Please know and understand this:

Traffic Law is NOT taught in any law school in the U.S! NO lawyer knows how to beat a speed ticket!

When you hire a lawyer, you are wasting your money! All a lawyer is going to do is try to plea bargain your speeding ticket fine down to a lower speed, or to some other type of violation. That will save you a tiny bit on the speeding ticket fine, but you will still be found guilty of something. That is no good!

You need to completely destroy your speeding ticket. Not accept some lesser version of guilty! And the lawyer doing that medicore work for you, will be charging a heck of a lot more money than we do at SpeedTicketBeaters.com!     

We get calls and emails every week from lawyers, and sometimes even judges, asking us to give them the defense materials for their own personal speeing tickets! They are clueless! They do not know how to beat a speed ticket!

Everytime we hear from a potential customer that they “already took care of” their speeding ticket situation…Telling us that they have “hired a lawyer”, we always think that person is a fool. The SpeedTicketbeaters.com FAQ’s page makes it very clear that you should NOT hire a lawyer to beat a speed ticket! A lawyer knows as much about how to beat a speeding ticket, as you do! And that is not very much!

May 9, 2009

Another Free Tip To Help Beat a Speeding Ticket…

HERE’S ANOTHER FREE TIP to help you beat your speed ticket, from SpeedTicketBeaters.com:

When cops pull you over on a speed violation, they will often ask you “how fast you think you were going?”. NEVER answer this question with a speed! They are trying to get you to admit guilt, and they will use this statement against you in traffic court later if necessary!  

Simply say, “I don’t know the exact speed, but I am sure I was going below the speed limit” (or say “I’m not sure Officer”).  If you answer any other way, and they happen to be recording (which you may or may not know), you could kill your own speeding defense!

The most common answer people give when asked this question by a cop, is a speed that is somewhat below the one the cop alleges, but still a higher speed than the speed limit at the location. DO NOT DO THIS!!! This is NO good! You CANNOT beat your speed ticket if you admit to even 1 MPH above the speed limit! Why would this destroy your speeding defense? Here’s why:

Imagine if you were being accused of shooting someone, and your argument was that the cops have it wrong…You “didn’t shoot the guy 25 times, you shot him 20 times”. You would LOSE!!! You cannot admit to shooting him ANY number of times! There is no such thing as shooting someone “less” than they say you did, and that somehow helping you! They would say, “Ok, sorry, we had it wrong. You shot him 20 times not 25. Now here’s your prison outfit”.  

Much more at SpeedTicketBeaters.com

May 4, 2009

The Hardest U.S States to Beat a Speeding Ticket In…

People ask us all the time if we find any U.S State to be more difficult than the rest, when it comes to beating your speed ticket.  

The answer is split. Yes, and no.

Yes, there are a few U.S States that are particularly out of control with their flagrant corruption, and ignoring of the law. They desperately try to steal the money of local drivers. But no, at Speedticketbeaters we don’t find it especially difficult to beat any of them. We are well aware of the tricks and games each State pulls. Speedticketbeaters.com works constantly to develop new strategies to beat them. 

All of that said, the following 3 States deserve “dishonorable mention” for their completely disgusting corruption, and attempted twisting of the law. If you live in any of these 3 U.S States, you are living in States that are even more completely out to steal your money than the other 47! These 3 are so willing to ignore State and Federal laws, it is unbelievable! No one here at Speedticketbeaters.com can endorse you living in any of these 3 States. If you do live in one of them, think about moving!!! Your representatives in the State legislature are not protecting you (the constituents) from blatant disregard for the law by local traffic court judges. The legislature SHOULD be doing that! That is their job! Instead, they are allowing State residents to be railroaded!  

The States are:  Washington, Arizona, and Pennsylvania.

But make no mistake…ALL 50 States use speeding tickets as a revenue stream, and will do almost anything to keep their corrupt scam going. They are not concerned with safety! That is NOT why you got a speeding ticket! You got a speed ticket because it makes them and their partners (the auto insurance companies) MONEY!

Without a custom defense plan, like the one Speedticketbeaters.com can give you…You are going to take a beating nearly every time! So wherever your speed ticket is, you better get a “major league” defense from us, or they’ll cream you!

May 3, 2009

We Always Get Testimonials, But…


… Lately we seem to be getting even more than usual.

We usually include with our Speedticketbeaters defense materials, a note to the customer suggesting that they send a testimonial after they win. We never expect the majority of winners to do so, because studies always show that people just don’t usually remember to do things like that. 

But still, we get a pretty good amount of testimonials coming in to Speedticketbeaters.com. But in the last several weeks, the amount of testimonials coming in to the Speed Ticket Beaters email seems to be much more than normal.

What’s going on out there? We might assume it to be the cops writing more tickets, or a particularly easy to beat batch of tickets lately? But it probably is, that we are always fine tuning the Speedticketbeaters defenses. We update strategies, change things here and there, etc. We have a feeling that we have gotten it to some kind of sweet spot, that is causing the Speedticketbeaters.com defense plans to become nearly unbeatable.  As a result, the tickets themselves are being beaten more quickly and easily in traffic court. The customer is even more amazed at how easily they beat their speed ticket. Thus a more over the top excited customer…And more testimonials coming in to Speedticketbeaters.com. That’s our theory.

May 1, 2009

Another Satisfied SpeedTicketBeaters Customer!


great company… Being a skeptic has advantages. First, you begin your inquiries with doubt and then search for the truth. The result will be one of two things: 1. your suspicions are confirmed and the company / product is a fraud or 2. your suspicions are dissolved and the truth is revealed.

My name is Todd S. I was a skeptic about whether speedticketbeaters.com would actually work. I took a step of faith and signed up. I was impressed beyond what I’ll be able to articulate in this endorsement.

I received a ticket for 75mph in a 55mph zone in Salinas, CA on a two lane highway. Speedticketbeaters.com provided me with a detailed defense, case law, and a very detailed script to follow in regard to communicating with the court through the written and spoken word. Very impressive, very thoroughly, and very professional.

I did exactly what they told me. Speedticketbeaters.com responded to my inquiries via email and phone in a very expeditious manner. I obtained the traffic engineering reports and prepared my case as instructed. I had about 10 friends that were going to attend my court date and they were all wagering that I would not be able to beat this ticket. I was confident I would, could, and should prevail based on the thorough preparation
Speedticketbeaters.com provided.

To make a long story short, the case was dismissed. I was elated. My friends were amazed and my faith, belief, trust, and confidence in laboring under correct knowledge was further affirmed.

Speedticketbeaters.com is the real deal. You need to do EXACTLY what they tell you. If so, you will prevail. If not, the onus is on you for failing to trust their proven system of defenses.

I am a real person, responding in a real way, to a really valuable service. I guesstimate this ticket has saved me hundreds if not thousands of dollars by simply heeding their counsel.

I like skeptics. I was one. Skeptics become the best converts. My interaction was Speedticketbeaters.com has been first rate. I now trust their system, their format, and their detailed process for fighting tickets. It works. Their staff is responsive, confident, and direct in how to beat your ticket.

I am elated that the truth with this company has been revealed in spades. It is fun being a believer. The truth really does set you free.

An elated customer–”

Here’s A Free Speed Ticket Beaters Tip!

Here’s a free tip: Traffic courts try to intimidate you and confuse you, so that you pay your speed ticket and go away. There are tons of ways that they attempt to do that. Here’s one of their attempts to confuse…They use legal language that you don’t understand. An example: To “contest” a speeding ticket is to fight the speed ticket. Pleading “no contest” to a speed ticket is to plead guilty and agree to pay them off (ie: LOSE) in your speeding ticket case.  Similar wording. If you are not paying attention when you fill out the speed tickets plea section, you could easily check off the wrong one.

If you have a speed ticket, and want a FREE evaluation of how it can be beaten…Go the official websiteSpeedticketbeaters.com – fill out the speeding ticket information form. We’ll call and email you to go over the details and what can be done (let’s see an “E-Book” do that)!

If you are going to court – and you don’t want to stink… Click this Link!

This Guy’s Beaten 3 Speeding Tickets Using Our Defense Plan!


“So I had my court date in the small town of Lordsburg, NM for going 92 in a 75 on the highway and… my case was dismissed!!

I remember you saying this was the hardest case that you saw in the month of January… after doing what I just did, I believe that anybody should be able to win these things!…

This was my third speeding ticket you guys helped me beat! … 

By the end of the trial the Judge and the officer wanted to go out for a beer with me (off the record) and the officer’s buddy was asking me where I got my case law from.. but I told them that I had to drive home and left (I wasn’t about to help them anyway)…

 One of the officers wanted to know where I got my case law and I told her I wouldn’t say, and then she made a comment like “we have access to case laws too you know!” and then I told her something similar to “great, then you can do your own research then!” … she took it with a smile … lol…

 They were pretty nice though and said that they hoped to see me again soon, under different circumstances though.. lol!….

 Thanks again!!!…”

Everything You Think You Know About Speeding Tickets Is Wrong!

The Definitive List of Myths About Speeding Tickets

There are many ways to fight speeding tickets. The best ways are probably NOT ways the average person has heard about. Speedticketbeaters.com presents the “Definitive List of Speeding Ticket Myths”. Read and learn.

Nearly everyone reading this article is going to get a speed ticket at some time in their life. This list will help you join an elite “club” of speed ticket beaters!

A longer list exists at Speedticketbeaters.com.

Below are the most common falsehoods, and why they are false.

1- “Traffic school will get you out of the ticket” – This is not true. Traffic school does nothing but guarantees you pay a fine (all you did was plead guilty and traffic school was part of the penalty), have a guilty on your record, and maybe drop the points on your license. But points on your license are NOT where insurance increases are determined. Points relate to state DMV issues (ie: suspension and revokation). Guilty pleas determine insurance increases! So you have left yourself sitting in heap of trouble (if not now, later when you get another speed ticket).

2- “Finding Mistakes in how the ticket was written will get you out of the speed ticket” – Unless you were driving (for example) a blue Porsche, and they wrote (for example) a white Chevy pick up truck, this strategy does not get you out of a speeding ticket! The cop has to get it as wrong as our example, for a ticket writing error to work. Otherwise, nope. All of the other mistakes you can think of will also fail to beat your speed ticket!

3- “Downloadable E-Books or other books can teach you enough to win”- Books do not take the specifics of your speed ticket into account. They also require way too much reading and learning of law for the average person to comprehend in a short time. And book info is too generic and non specific to your case to beat your speeding ticket. If you’d like to walk into traffic court with the defense they’ve heard before and are prepared for, buy a book. If you want to win in your speeding case…plan on getting more creative.

4- “Repeatedly getting continuances/delaying the trial will help” – The cop will likely still show up at the eventual date. Then what are you going to do? You need to show up, prepared to fight your speed ticket and win, because the cop will probably be there.

5- “Free legal advice from regular people on internet speeding ticket forums should be enough to learn the best strategies” – Do you know how to beat your speed ticket? Neither do the other people on the forums you’re reading! If you want to win, you better get expert defense strategies in place from sources like Speedticketbeaters.com.

6- “A Radar detector will warn me of cops in the area” – A radar detector will warn you of cops in the area who are using radar to trap you into a speed ticket. But what if they are using vascar. laser, lidar, or pacing? (And detectors miss lots of the radar too).

7- “Lawyers know how to beat speeding tickets” – Lawyers do NOT study how to beat speed tickets in law school! If you hire a lawyer, you will end up spending a fortune in legal fees, and will still lose in court. All the lawyer will do is plea bargain, and you’ll still pay a fine! Plea bargaining is not winning.

8- “Saying that you didn’t see the speed limit sign or know the limit changed should work” – That is not the traffic courts problem..it’s yours! If you want to be a speed ticket beater, you need to get a better defense than that.

9- “The cop has to show you the radar (or laser, etc) if you ask to see it” – They are not required to show you anything! Have you ever heard of a guy being arrested for murder, who had a right to see the evidence at the scene of the arrest, or the arrest is invalid? (Neither have we)!

10-  “Saying the cop had your speed wrong should do it” – Cops (NOT YOU) are presumed by the traffic courts and judges to have accurate information, and to be telling the truth. No one in the court cares what you think!

11-  “Passengers in your car can confirm the cop has things wrong” – Same problem as # 10, with one minor alteration…No one in the court cares what your passengers think!

12- “You can claim that the cop got the speed of another car, not your car” – Again, same problem as # 10 above.

13- “You can claim you were going the same speed as the flow of traffic, it’ wasn’t fair to pick you out of the crowd” – A cop can pick anyone he wants “out of the crowd” of cars, when he is writing a speed ticket. It was your unlucky day. “Fairness” is not in the debate.

14- “You know that your car can’t go as fast as the cop says it went” – Again, same problem as # 10. And no traffic judge will care what “proof” you can show. Beating your speeding ticket requires much better stuff than this!

15- “You can say that you had your cruise control set to just a few miles per hour over the limit” – Congratulations. If you say this in traffic court you’ll be found guilty immediately. You cannot ever admit to doing even 1 MPH over the limit! This is the equivalent of a thief saying, that the cops are wrong because he “stole $900”, not “$1000”. The thief just admitted to stealing! There is no such thing as “partial guilt”!

16- “Tell them that your speedometer, cruise control, or some other aspect of your car was malfunctioning” – That is your problem, not the traffic courts. They don’t care! Are you trying to beat your speed ticket, or get laughed out of the courtroom?

17- “Mention that you were driving a rental car, or someone elses car” – They are ticketing YOU the driver…NOT the car! They didin’t write a ticket saying “Timmy was behaving perfectly well, but his Toyota is nuts!”

18- “You think because you have a CDL license, the rules are different for you” – Were you driving a vehicle, with wheels? Then you have a speed ticket. Just like anyone else! (In fact, if anything your speed limit is lower than the rest of traffic).

19- “Point out that your license is from a different state than the one you were in” – All 50 states are linked up. Your insurance carrier will be informed of the violation, and it will affect you. There is no hiding from the law. Get a real speeding ticket defense, or you will be sorry…

20- “The ticket says no court appearance is required, so it’s no big deal” – No appearance is required if you are paying your fine and pleading guilty. But that is not what you are doing. To win in a speed ticket case, a court appearance will be required! You need to come in with a defense, and beat the speeding ticket!

21- “You can fight the ticket with a mail in a defense (“Trial by declaration”) and still win” – Almost never works. If you really want to win, you are going to have to appear in court. Besides the things regular people write in these mail in defenses end up being incriminating. (And most states do not allow mail in defenses anyway).

22- “You can’t make it on the date they assigned you to be in court, so they have to just cancel the whole thing” – Court dates can be changed by your request or theirs. But if you don’t pick a date, and appear on that date.. You will automatically lose!

23- “Tell them you live out of state and can’t get to the trial because it’s too far away” – Traffic courts have no mercy! This plan will not work. Remember, they will give you a date months away if needed…But if you don’t agree to some date…IT’S OVER, you lose! (So schedule it for the next time you are going to be in that area anyway).

24- “You just need to get them to reduce the speed they are accusing you of” – That does not help you. 1 mile per hour over the limit is enough for them to find you guilty and make you pay up! Getting a speed ticket defense, from Speedticketbeaters.com is a much safer plan.

25- “The cop did you a “favor” and wrote the ticket for a lower speed, so that should help” – No it won’t! The cop made you think he’s/she’s such a nice cop, that now you aren’t very motivated to fight the ticket. That was their strategy. They did the city “a favor”, not you! They think you’re just going to give up “nicely”, since they were so “nice” to you.

26- “The cop did not have his lights on, or was in a location that you think was illegal to sit in” – Cops have the legal authority to determine who was speeding while sitting in any location they wish, with their vehicle in any condition they wish! Study # 10 over again. No judge cares what you think!

27- “Tell them you were sick or speeding for some important reason” – Doesn’t matter. The minute you admit in court to speeding, it’s over. You lose. They don’t care what your reason was.

28- “Point out that you have a clean driving” – So what. That would be like hoping the judge excuses the sizeable amount of narcotics you were caught selling, because you hadn’t been caught selling narcotics before. Your clean past is not taken into consideration! Beat your speeding ticket, and to do so get a serious defense at Speedticketbeaters.com.

29- “Getting the fine and points reduced on your ticket does the trick” – Do a destruction, not reduction! Don’t negotiate, eliminate! If you want to lose money by still paying some kind of “reduced fine”, traffic ticket lawyers are great at losing (we hope you caught the saracsm). All they know how to do is plea bargain and have you lose money due to your “lower speed” guilty plea. Besides, half of them are probably doing corrupt “kick backs” with the court)! We haven’t heard of a traffic lawyer yet, that actually knows how to beat a speed ticket! But at Speedticketbeaters.com, we know how to beat speeding tickets. All we do, all day every day, is beat speeding tickets! We are the true speed ticket beaters!

Here’s the bottom line…NONE of the above ideas work! Stop trying to think of ways out of your speed ticket. The courts goal is to steal your money for the counties use. They will ignore any of your (non expert) defense ideas.

Get serious, and get a hardcore speed ticket defense! Speedticketbeaters.com is the place to do that.

Welcome to the SpeedTicketBeaters Blog!


We decided to create this blog, to give us an additional place to address issues relating to speed tickets.

On this blog, we’re going to share with you interesting stories from real speeding ticket cases that come into our website at Speedticketbeaters.com. We’ll be able to show you the expanded, long form version/s of testimonials we receive at Speedticketbeaters. And we’ll be able to let you in on any new free tips and strategies we develop at Speedticketbeaters.com.

First off… If you haven’t heard of our website Speedticketbeaters.com before, and your first knowledge of us is your visit to this blog, here’s a summary of what we are and what we do:



That’s it!

And we’ve been doing that since 2003!

Now you’re probably thinking that this is impossible. That speed tickets are so hard to beat. That no one ever beats a speed ticket. That there is no way this can be true, etc, etc. etc. You can probably guess what we’re going to say next (and your guess is correct)…You are wrong.  Speeding tickets are easy to beat, if you know what you are doing. And we do.

This is the United States, not Iran. In the U.S we have legal system that truly goes by the standard, innocent until proven guilty. The state has to present evidence that you are guilty. Now here’s the first free tip: Your job in a speed ticket case is NOT to try to prove that you are innocent. But rather, to prove that their evidence CANNOT legally be used against you. Your job is to put THEM, and  their evidence on trial. If you do that, and do it right, you win. Plain and simple.

At Speedticketbeaters.com we give you what you will need, in easy to understand language. You take the materials we give you, and beat the speed ticket with it. Sound fun? It is!

It’s much more fun than losing hundreds of dollars in a speeding ticket fine, and hundreds or thousands of dollars more in car insurance rate increases. And certainly, using the stuff we give you at Speedticketbeaters.com to beat your ticket, is more fun than losing your license to drive!

The FAQ’s page at Speedticketbeaters.com goes into more detail on other issues relating to speed tickets, and who we are/what we do. At Speedticketbeaters.com there’s also a “Speeding Ticket Myths” page. You will probably find out from reading  it, that all the methods for beating a speeding ticket, that you have heard of… are terrible.

But don’t fear. We know the methods that do work. We don’t meet many speed tickets at Speedticketbeaters.com that we consider to be hard to beat. With us, you’re in good hands.